About Me 

Hey! I'm Jae..

and I'm currently living out my dream - traveling the world, and leveraging AI to run my online business.

It's a long way from where I started, but I wouldn't change a thing.

Oh, and just a heads-up – if you're here to learn how I can help you grow your business, you're on the wrong page. Go here instead.

This page? This is where I completely overshare.

Jae Hale's headshot

The Short Story

Life has an ironic way of teaching us that the more we learn, the less we actually know

Here's a bit about me:

  • I was always the odd kid, the bright one who struggled to fit in and find my way. I was part of the "advanced curriculum" programs, but did I have any idea what I wanted to do with my life? Nope.
  • My high school years were a mix of rebellion, anxiety, partying, and somehow still maintaining a GPA above 4.0 in all honors and AP classes.
  • After high school, I found myself in a sales job, making more money than someone my age who hadn't completed their degree yet should (or at least that's what I thought at the time.. opinions have changed drastically).
  • I jumped from sales to recruitment and HR, and dipped my toes into multiple online business models.
  • I was constantly wrestling with the notion of being "too young" or "inexperienced" to be successful in the spaces I was in. But, my ambition and love for innovation would always overshadow any credentials.
  • I think my real journey started at 21, when I faced a series of personal and professional challenges that forced me to change my mindset and take control of my life.

The Long Story

I guess my childhood wasn't exactly what you'd call "typical". 

My elementary and middle school years were tough, not because of academics - I was always in the "advanced curriculum" classes - but because of the mental side of it all. 

I struggled to find things I resonated with, a struggle that stayed with me into high school.

High school was a bit of a rollercoaster. Despite being incredibly smart, I had a rebellious streak. Partying, getting into trouble, dealing with anxiety - that was my norm for the first few years. 

But I did eventually turn it around. The academic side of things at least.. 

By my senior year, I had a new found focus, enrolled in all honors and AP classes, and held a GPA above a 4.0.

Moving On...

really wish I could say that everything fell into place after high school. 

It didn't.

I had no idea what my "dream job" was, unlike everyone around me.

While putting myself through school, I found myself working in a corporate sales job, making good money but feeling completely unsatisfied.

I was studying Business and Human Resources and thought maybe a shift in careers would help, so I moved into recruitment and HR in a start-up company.

But the 9-5 grind just wasn't for me (and it still isn't). I dipped my toes into real estate, eCommerce, and more, trying to find my path to financial freedom. 

Nothing felt right.

I was 21...

and it actually felt like the universe was conspiring against me. 

Everything around me in my personal life felt like chaos, and I was at the center of it all.

And as if that wasn't enough, the pressures from my job were piling up. The unrealistic expectations that were constantly thrown on me felt like a huge weight on my shoulders. 

Sixty-hour work weeks became my norm, which only made everything else I was dealing with feel even worse.

I felt like I was stuck under a mountain of pressure and stress, and then I realized: I was the problem. 

My mindset and negative beliefs were the things holding me back. That realization hit me like a freight train, and I knew it was time for a change.

It was then that I decided to confront my life head-on, to free myself from my limiting beliefs and take control.

My path isn't exclusive to me - you can walk this journey too

And that brings me to where I am now - running my business, traveling the world, and (hopefully) teaching others that they can follow in my footsteps.

Here are a few things I've learned along the way:

  1. It's okay to not have all the answers. Life isn't a race; it's okay to take some time to find your path.
  2. You are in control of your life. Your beliefs, your mindset, your actions - they're all up to you.
  3. There's no "one size fits all" solution to success. What works for one person might not work for another. It's important to find your own way.
  4. It's okay to ask for help. Nobody gets through life alone. It's okay to lean on others, to seek advice, to ask for help when you need it.

My journey isn't unique.

It's not some fairytale story of instant success. It's a story of struggle, of learning, and of growth. And I believe that anyone, with the right mindset and the right tools, can make a similar journey.

So, whether you're feeling stuck, or lost, or just curious about AI and achieving financial freedom, I'm here to share my experiences and insights.

I'm here to tell you that it's okay to struggle, to try and fail, and to keep searching for your path.

I'm here to tell you that you can do this.

You can find your path, you can make your way, and you can build the life you want.

So, let's do this together. Let's learn, let's grow, and let's build our futures. Because nothing should get in the way of your desires.

Not your past, not your fears, and certainly not your beliefs.

Good Luck!!
